Dan Garth Platt is a 22-year-old former gym assistant who enjoys meditation, social card games and ferret racing. He is gentle and kind, but can also be very violent and a bit evil.

He is addicted to the internet, something which his friend Shane Hugh Lewis pointed out when he was 16. The problem intensified in 2017. In 2018, Dan lost his job as a gym assistant as a result of his addiction.

He is an Australian Hindu who defines himself as pansexual. He finished school and then left academia. He has a severe phobia of spiders, and is obsessed with being painted blue.

Physically, Dan is in good shape. He is very tall with dark chocolate skin, grey hair and brown eyes. He has a mole on his right cheek.

He grew up in an upper class neighbourhood. His mother left when he was young, leaving him with his father, who was a drunk.

He is currently in a relationship with Ted Virgil Baker. Ted is the same age as him and works as an artist.

Dan’s best friend is a former gym assistant called Shane Lewis. They have a very firey friendship. He also hangs around with Jose Driscoll and Kamil Jenkins. They enjoy attending gallaries together.